Frequently Asked Question

How can I get the total proceeds applied to specific campaigns by bank?
Last Updated 4 years ago

To get the total payments to a campaign by bank irrespective of the campaign the payment was assigned (for example: $1000 payment set to CT2020 but $500 was actually applied to CHSP2020) run the following:

Report name: Cash Receipts By Bank & Campaign (if this is missing, please let us know so we can add the report to your username).

Criteria: Use the top selectors. Set the date range for payments and the applied to campaigns. The report ignores active/inactive.

Click View and select bank names to include.

Example: I would like to know how much 2020 Waterfalls chinese auction money was deposited into credit card or nations bank for transfer to the kollel. I know that money may come in starting the previous year. 


  • if you are trying to do multiple exports realize money may have come in the same day as the report (after the report was run) so doing the next report as 7/16 - 12/31 will miss it. You could just run it over the full range and subtract the previous total from the report's total. Alternatively you can always make the end date the day before you run the report so you avoid any crossover.
  • Future scheduled credit card payments won't be included in the total.

For the above example Select nations bank and scroll down to credit card. 3rd party would be "double counting."


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