Frequently Asked Question

Custom software/local admin rights
Last Updated 3 years ago

Certain individuals have been given local administrator rights to their PCs. This is due to the fact that certain users have niche software they need access to in order to perform their work.

For security reasons this is rarely done in a business environment.

  • If you wish to install something, provide a heads up to support as to the software package that is being installed and why. There is a help topic for custom software installs.
  • Please make sure you retain the license information and the installation media. We make no guarantees regarding the software. If your machine is replaced we may not be able to maintain the software or the settings. If you would like us to help with reinstallation, provide us with a copy of the above.
  • We assume you have worked to insure the software is adware and virus free.
  • If the software conflicts with our operating environment we will need to remove it.
  • Software must be primarily for business use.
  • NO important business related information is to be stored only in custom software formats. Anything that can be in JL should be in JL. Anything else that is important to the functioning of the yeshiva must be exported to standard formats. (eg. CSV, XLS, PDF, word document or similar).

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