Frequently Asked Question

How to flag an account for email and USPS mailings and how to query based on those flags.
Last Updated 2 years ago

This is a very rough draft but hopefully will get filled out.

  • Not Active (Account option) 
    • Account should not get any emails, calls or mail EXCEPT yahrzeit notifications which get turned off in "anniversaries" in "linked."
    • Individuals might be dead, unlocatable or anti-social.
  • No Mail (Account Flag)
    • Account should not get any USPS mail. Might still get emails.
    • Individuals live in locales with unreliable delivery service, don't want spouses to know they are supporting Yeshiva or are excessively liberal and want to save the environment.
  • No calendar mail (account flag)
    • Requested NOT to be sent a calendar.
  • No Robocalls (account flag)
    • Don't include in phone tree
  • NO Marketing Emails
  • NO Marketing USPS

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